Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear people of the world,

Don't ask my opinion if you don't actually want the truth. I don't, let me repeat, I DO NOT do the tell-you -what-you-want-to-hear thing. Find someone else.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mail in

I voted via mail in this year, which i am now starting to regret. Due to the fact, on top of being the only one here this morning for like an hour and a half, i didn't receive an "I Voted" sticker to proudly don, and cash in on all the freebies; and how "when i was standing in line to vote" story-less i am compared to everyone else in the office. They are currently standing around in a cluster, drinking their free starbucks coffee with there stickers in various (pg) places telling their stories. And here i am sticker-less drinking office coffee, withing all my might that is was a vanilla latte....4 years isn't THAT long, right?

Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm awake for this 1st time in two days. I slept almost the entire weekend. But i suppose i needed it. There's this wicked bug going around the office. The only two who have been lucky enough to not catch it is CB and my boss Susan.
The election is tomorrow, and as exciting as this one has been i very glad to see it over. I'm voting(or rather already have via mail in ballot) for Obama. All the props and stuff was a bit confusing. The whole voting process is stressful. Like, how do you know the information you've attempted to gather is correct at all? What i really want to know is how do you separate the bullshit from the truth? All i want is to what's best for everyone. Voting in Tennessee was some how easier. Not sure why, but it was.
On a happy note, the fam pitched in and bought me a plane ticket home for Christmas. I'll be spending 12 days with the whole family. Now that Lem has moved back to Morristown, we'll all be there. I was shocked they put out $500 for me to come home. It made me cry alittle. I plan to eat lots of southern food, and hug my niece so much they call me a dork; laugh with old friends; spend as much time with Shane(my fav cousin in the whole world) as i can; visit Vince in Nashvagas; and what else i can and want to do in Morristown.

So, that's my life update. How's your life treating you?