Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Dear people of the world,
Don't ask my opinion if you don't actually want the truth. I don't, let me repeat, I DO NOT do the tell-you -what-you-want-to-hear thing. Find someone else.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Mail in
I voted via mail in this year, which i am now starting to regret. Due to the fact, on top of being the only one here this morning for like an hour and a half, i didn't receive an "I Voted" sticker to proudly don, and cash in on all the freebies; and how "when i was standing in line to vote" story-less i am compared to everyone else in the office. They are currently standing around in a cluster, drinking their free starbucks coffee with there stickers in various (pg) places telling their stories. And here i am sticker-less drinking office coffee, withing all my might that is was a vanilla latte....4 years isn't THAT long, right?
Monday, November 3, 2008
I'm awake for this 1st time in two days. I slept almost the entire weekend. But i suppose i needed it. There's this wicked bug going around the office. The only two who have been lucky enough to not catch it is CB and my boss Susan.
The election is tomorrow, and as exciting as this one has been i very glad to see it over. I'm voting(or rather already have via mail in ballot) for Obama. All the props and stuff was a bit confusing. The whole voting process is stressful. Like, how do you know the information you've attempted to gather is correct at all? What i really want to know is how do you separate the bullshit from the truth? All i want is to what's best for everyone. Voting in Tennessee was some how easier. Not sure why, but it was.
On a happy note, the fam pitched in and bought me a plane ticket home for Christmas. I'll be spending 12 days with the whole family. Now that Lem has moved back to Morristown, we'll all be there. I was shocked they put out $500 for me to come home. It made me cry alittle. I plan to eat lots of southern food, and hug my niece so much they call me a dork; laugh with old friends; spend as much time with Shane(my fav cousin in the whole world) as i can; visit Vince in Nashvagas; and what else i can and want to do in Morristown.
So, that's my life update. How's your life treating you?
The election is tomorrow, and as exciting as this one has been i very glad to see it over. I'm voting(or rather already have via mail in ballot) for Obama. All the props and stuff was a bit confusing. The whole voting process is stressful. Like, how do you know the information you've attempted to gather is correct at all? What i really want to know is how do you separate the bullshit from the truth? All i want is to what's best for everyone. Voting in Tennessee was some how easier. Not sure why, but it was.
On a happy note, the fam pitched in and bought me a plane ticket home for Christmas. I'll be spending 12 days with the whole family. Now that Lem has moved back to Morristown, we'll all be there. I was shocked they put out $500 for me to come home. It made me cry alittle. I plan to eat lots of southern food, and hug my niece so much they call me a dork; laugh with old friends; spend as much time with Shane(my fav cousin in the whole world) as i can; visit Vince in Nashvagas; and what else i can and want to do in Morristown.
So, that's my life update. How's your life treating you?
Friday, October 31, 2008
There is much pressure I feel.
To be that of which I will never be.
To act a way I dare not dream.
To speak words beneath me.
I feel pressure of which i know not how to relieve, in order to be the prior me.
They ask of me what i will not do then, look and speak down at me for being morally the way they daily pray for the bravery to be.
I ask the question to you now: how do i stay me and not give up on my dream?
There is much pressure I feel.
To be that of which I will never be.
To act a way I dare not dream.
To speak words beneath me.
I feel pressure of which i know not how to relieve, in order to be the prior me.
They ask of me what i will not do then, look and speak down at me for being morally the way they daily pray for the bravery to be.
I ask the question to you now: how do i stay me and not give up on my dream?
There is much pressure I feel.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sadness overcomes me.
I just leaned the most devastating of news. FX is canceling "The Riches". This is almost as upsetting as when Sci Fi canceled "Firefly". I will now crawl under my desk and silently weep. Why? Why i ask you?
Q and A
Anwser - Rachael McAllister and Jacob Emerson
Question - What are the names of the protagonists in my new script?
I am very excited about this. yay.
Question - What are the names of the protagonists in my new script?
I am very excited about this. yay.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Quote of the day
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
-Scott Adam
Friday, October 3, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Childish things I shall sometimes do.
I've been a movie slut lately. All I seem to want to do is watch movies. Just this weekend alone I watched 2 in theaters: "Eagle Eye"(which i happened to enjoy thank you everyone on ) and "Ghost Town" )which i was surprised to find myself LoL-ing along side my dear friends Eric and Michelle. ) and i then watched 3 rented ones. "August"(don't waste your time.) , "Smart People (eh, it was ok) and "Vantage Point" ( I should have listened to my friends)
I sent all day Saturday with Eric and Michelle. I realized I missed them and that simply walking around downtown B-bank just talking is fun and relaxing.
I think as we get older there's something in society telling us we have to act adult; openly doing childish things is mocked and laughed at. I was standing in line at ikea to buy an aloa vera plant after unsuccessfully finding a bed frame, and i turned to Michelle and asked what i should name the plant and a guy in the next beside us laughed at me. And i'm certain he was laughing at me because i asked, "I"m sorry, are you laughing at me?"and he responded " yeah, why the hell would you name a plant? It's a plant."
me - "yes that lives, grows and breaths same as you and I. Why did you're mother( assuming you are infact human) name you?"
Him - " ecxactly, i'm human and she loves me."
Me- " and i love this plant, which i shall nnnaamammmeee...."
Michelle - "Scott his name, i think, is Scott. He looks like a Scott"
Me- "Yes he does, doesn't he? Scott meet Jackass, Jackass this is my plant Scott, he's not pleased to meet you."
and then turned, paid and took Scott to my car. On the way out the cashier, Vanessa said "Goodbye Scott, hope you like your new home" and made a face at Jackass.
That story Illustrates why i love living in this massive, mixed up, overwhelming, darkenly beautiful city that is La.
Yes, there are jackass like the one in ikea, but where there is darkness, light is near. Where evil is goodness can always be found, for everything must have a balance.
I think everyone should embrace there inner child at least twice a day, weather it be dancing in the car to the radio, eating candy once in a while, sitting in the grass for lunch, jump rope, find animals in the clouds, or naming your new plant. Just do it. Laugh a little.
Have a childish day, it'll keep you young.
I sent all day Saturday with Eric and Michelle. I realized I missed them and that simply walking around downtown B-bank just talking is fun and relaxing.
I think as we get older there's something in society telling us we have to act adult; openly doing childish things is mocked and laughed at. I was standing in line at ikea to buy an aloa vera plant after unsuccessfully finding a bed frame, and i turned to Michelle and asked what i should name the plant and a guy in the next beside us laughed at me. And i'm certain he was laughing at me because i asked, "I"m sorry, are you laughing at me?"and he responded " yeah, why the hell would you name a plant? It's a plant."
me - "yes that lives, grows and breaths same as you and I. Why did you're mother( assuming you are infact human) name you?"
Him - " ecxactly, i'm human and she loves me."
Me- " and i love this plant, which i shall nnnaamammmeee...."
Michelle - "Scott his name, i think, is Scott. He looks like a Scott"
Me- "Yes he does, doesn't he? Scott meet Jackass, Jackass this is my plant Scott, he's not pleased to meet you."
and then turned, paid and took Scott to my car. On the way out the cashier, Vanessa said "Goodbye Scott, hope you like your new home" and made a face at Jackass.
That story Illustrates why i love living in this massive, mixed up, overwhelming, darkenly beautiful city that is La.
Yes, there are jackass like the one in ikea, but where there is darkness, light is near. Where evil is goodness can always be found, for everything must have a balance.
I think everyone should embrace there inner child at least twice a day, weather it be dancing in the car to the radio, eating candy once in a while, sitting in the grass for lunch, jump rope, find animals in the clouds, or naming your new plant. Just do it. Laugh a little.
Have a childish day, it'll keep you young.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Life's little moments of brillance
The following is an AIM conversation with my best guy friend Vince ( ), who just so happens to live nearly 3,000 miles away. But we make it a point to talk almost everyday. and sometimes amazingness happens.
Pink = Me
The conversation then extended to Twitter:

Pink = Me
I sent you my address right?
yes sir
ok, I don't know why but I couldn't remember
it's ok. I have those moments all the time
I guess we all do
i hope so, then again i've always been different
1:30 PM
well its good to see that two different people have some of the same tendencies
good point.
are you saying all the different people in the world are the same?
are you saying all the different people in the world are the same?
.....I don't think so
aw man what did we just discover?
maybe being forgetful is more of a general human trait, and it doesn't matter who you are it happens.
1:40 PM
you'll always be different and your own person in my eyes
maybe no one is actually different from any in the rest of the world, but simply surround by all those that are different from them but the same as the people around themselves, except that one person that's different
think about that
1:50 PM
I think my mind has just been blown
i tend to have that effect on people
I'd say so
i dont even know where this conversation can go from here, but i do know i want it emailed to me when we are done
I think that can be arranged
Who said it?
"I never dared to be radical when young
For fear it would make me conservative when old."
For fear it would make me conservative when old."
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I have writers block and it's quite unsettling. and starting to really piss me off. I haven't written in weeks. I"m beginning to drown in my thoughts. As Marty would say "woe is me".
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